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Retrofitting for a practical low carbon car

"Scientists have fitted a BMW with wave power technology and ramped up the miles per gallon while slashing carbon emissions."


Liberty groups unite to defend UK rights

"Writers, pop stars, lawyers and politicians from across the party spectrum yesterday issued a call to arms. They joined the largest ever campaign across Britain to warn of the erosion of freedoms and the emergence of...

Category: Communications


Chinese probe crashes into moon

"A Chinese lunar probe has crashed into the moon in what Beijing has called a controlled collision."

Category: Space


Indigenous people in legal challenge against oil firms over tar sand project

"Canada's Beaver Lake Cree Nation group say their traditional way of life is being devastated by the rush to extract oil from vast tar sand fields"

Category: Energy sources


Miliband denies clash over 'clean coal'

"The climate change secretary confirmed yesterday that he was "hopeful" more than one "clean coal" power station would be piloted, despite the government running a competition to fund only a single demonstration plant. "

Displaying results 1416 to 1420 out of 2977